Senin, 28 Desember 2009

Fresh Fruit (1)

This edition, I made key chains and hooks HP shaped fruits.
Fresh fruits ...
Ada Strawberry yang manis. Liat deh warnanya yang merah....begitu menggoda. So sweeeeet....

Dan karena ukuran strawberry tuh kecil-kecil, kubuat untuk gantungan HaPe ajah

Kode: GH-03

P: 4 cm

Price: Rp 2.800/pcs atau paket Rp isi 10 pc

Satu lagi adalah irisan apel. Liat deh ranumnya...sangat menggoda.

I chose a green apple because I do like green apples than any other apple. Because of this apple original from Indonesia ... beloved country.
Selain itu...apel ijo ne buanyaaak banget manfaatnya. Salah satunya pernah jadi kegemaran temen kerjaku karena berkhasiat menurunkan kolesterol.
Buatmu yang juga demen dengan apel ijo..this is special for you.....

Kode: GK-04

P: 7 cm

Price: Rp 3.500/pcs atau paket Rp 30.000 isi 10 pc

Minggu, 27 Desember 2009

Yuuukkkssss...pake baju

Awalnya seh bikin hiasan ini gara-gara liat opelet yang majang hiasan kaca berbentuk baju. Tapi di opelet itu cuman lembaran doank...alias dua dimensi.

Nah, yang ini beda sama gantungan di angkot itu. Ini dibikin versi tiga dimensi dan dijadiin gantungan kunci.

Buat isinya...seperti biasa, pake dakron dan sisa potongan felt. So...jamin gak bakal berat dijadiin gantungan kunci. Secara, ada temen yang bilang kalo pake gantungan kunci tuh jangan yang berat- berat, ntar lubang kuncinya lama-kelamaan longga.
Is that true??
Tapi logikanya masuk akal seh.

So, jangan ragu make ini buat gantungan kuncimu.

Kode: GK-03

Harga: Rp 3.500/pcs atau paket Rp 30.000 isi 10 pc

Sabtu, 26 Desember 2009

Cute Phonecell Hanger

This is my favorite...phonecell hanger.
Small and cute... we can change no matter when...
Try this... Lovely Luv and Stary

Kode: Bintang: GH-01 / Love: GH-02 

Harga: Rp 2.800/pcs atau paket Rp 25.000 isi 10 pc

Rabu, 23 Desember 2009

Gantungan Kunci Lobak Kuning

Harusnya lobak warnanya putih ya.
Tapi biar kliatan manis..aku bikin lobak yang warnanya kuning hiihihihi....*maksa*

Cute kan...dikasih gantungan kunci...jadi deh Lobak Kuning yang imut

Kode: GK-02

T: 8 cm

Harga: Rp 3.500/pcs atau paket Rp 30.000 isi 10 pc

Minggu, 20 Desember 2009

Purple Elephant

Purple elephant...
I just smile when think about this.
How it may be done? Purple elephant?!
This idea came out of nowhere, because I remembered an old friend who loves the color purple.

Kode: GK-01

P: 8 cm/L: 8 cm

Price: Rp 5.000/pc

Sabtu, 21 November 2009

Ngisi waktu luang aja...

Satu lagi hasil utak-atik saat lengang di rumah. Eh bukan lengang dink...tepatnya saat lum isa bubu' malam. *sesekali isomnia datang*

So...this is my creation. Smile's frog at tank top

Kombinasinya jadi seperti ini:

Tunggu aja kreasi berikutnya..yang pasti bakaln lebih unik dan gak malu-maluin deh dipake *cliinnkkk*

Kamis, 14 Mei 2009


I'm trying to combine two colour. At the first time, i'm trying to combine pink and purple to make love style. This is my creation...

And the second, i make character of M. Meaning of...dunno... Maybe i'll giving this to friend who have name with M ;-)
From green's felt...this is my creation

info tambahan: Gantungan kunci itu kuberikan buat temen kantor. Namaya' pas banget kan inisial namanya M. Buat hadiah kecil di hari ulang tahunnya.
Hope she like my little gift


Some people call this as flanel..but another saying it's a felt. But...i call this...FANEL. Hihi....just for simple's name.
Gantungannya bisa ditaruh di mobil atau ditempelin di kaca. T=4 cm harga Rp 2.500/pc

Minggu, 03 Mei 2009

Sekar Lovely

I got an order to make this hanger. From afriend who love his niece very much. So, i make this hanger, with pink colour and love style
Price: @ Rp 3000
Pengen pesan silahkan kontak via YM ato imel.

Sabtu, 02 Mei 2009

Cute Bell and Lil Hulk

There are my another creation. I still learn to make this handicraf, so this model i take from a book whick i read. I forget the title of my book. I just remember that book giving information about fanel's handicraft. There is methode to make fanel's handicraft and sample's model
Like my creation....

...::Cute Bell::..

..::Lil Hulk::..

Stary and Cowy

Star: K-01
Cow: K-02

This is Stary. I give the name Starty because i got inspiration from STAR's shape. Stary can be use as key hanger ;-)

If you wanna having this can order to me from my YM

The second accessory is Cowy. Like at the picture, its like a little cow hihihi...
So i call that Cowy

Jumat, 01 Mei 2009

Mirror Hanger

My first project. At the first time, i made Mirror Hanger with letter. I choose letter IBAL with two smiley

Rabu, 29 April 2009


Welcome to my site...........
This site i make special to showing my handicraft. At the first time, i will make handicraf  from fanel. I prefer using fanel that other material. Because easy to get fanel than other material.
It's very simple, but i will learn more and more to make another...